

總部位于廣州,在香港、深圳、東莞、肇慶、長沙、杭州、寧波、贛州等地等地均設有子公司,現擁有一支數千人的年輕精英團隊。 棒谷科技主力運營自建平臺綜合類商城網站(www.banggood.com),同時深耕eBay、Amazon、 AliExpress和Wish等第三方平臺,致力開拓海外市場,覆蓋全球200多個國家和地區的消費者。 棒谷科技堅持以客戶需求為主導,聚焦核心品類,開發新品,打造優質品牌,持續為客戶提供個性化、超預期的購物體驗。目前公司有25個品類的30多萬種產品在售,與海內外眾多知名品牌及30多萬家供應商建立了穩定可持續的合作關系。

在企業發展壯大過程中,棒谷科技構建了完善的海內外倉儲物流體系,在國內珠三角產業帶和長三角產業帶,均設有大型倉儲物流集散中心;在北美、歐洲、澳洲和日本等客戶高度密集區域建有大量海外倉和物流線路。公司IT研發中心擁有電商全生命周期、全流程自研系統及自建站,實現高效業務運作;PB級數據處理能力,成熟的數據湖方案, 高效準確的數據報表分析,協助業務決策。 在提升客戶購物體驗方面,公司組建專業健全的客服團隊提供24小時在線服務,支持英語、法語、德語、日語、阿拉伯語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語、俄語、波蘭語和中文共10種服務語言,以及郵件、即時聊天、語音電話和Facebook messenger等7種服務渠道。未來,棒谷將一如既往堅定“把中國的優質商品、優質供應鏈帶到全世界”的企業使命,繼續專注耕耘于B2C跨境出口貿易領域,奮楫揚帆,乘風破浪。

Banggood Technology Co.,LTD (abbreviated as Banggood Technology), a large-scale B2C cross-border export e-commerce company, is one of the leading enterprises in the commercial filed.

Headquartered in Guangzhou, Banggood has affiliated companies in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Zhaoqing, Changsha, Hangzhou, Yiwu and Ganzhou, etc. Now Banggood has a young elite team of thousands of people.Bangood Technology mainly operates its own comprehensive shopping mall website (www.banggood.com), and deeply cultivates third-party platforms such as eBay, Amazon, AliExpress and Wish at the same time. Banggood is committed to expanding overseas markets, covering consumers in more than 200 countries and regions around the world.Banggood Technology adheres to being customer demand-oriented, focusing on core categories, developing new products, building high-quality brands and continuing to provide customers with personalized and beyond-expectation shopping experience. The company currently has more than 300,000 products in 25 categories on sale and has established stable and sustainable cooperative relations with more than 300,000 suppliers and various well-known brands at home and abroad.

In the process of development, Banggood Technology has built a perfect domestic and overseas warehousing and logistics system. In China, there are large-scale warehousing and logistics distribution centers in Pearl River Delta industrial zone and Yangtze River Delta industrial zone. Meanwhile, a large number of overseas warehouses and logistics lines have been built in highly dense customer countries and regions, such as North America, Europe, Australia and Japan.The company’s IT R&D center has a full life cycle of e-commerce, the whole process of self-research systems and self-built station to achieve high-efficient business operations. Petabyte-level data processing capabilities, mature data lake solutions, efficient and accurate data report analysis, all contribute to assist its’ business decisions.In terms of enhancing customers’ shopping experience, the company has set up a professional and sound customer service team to provide 24-hour online services, supporting 10 service languages including English, French, German, Japanese, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Polish and Chinese, as well as 7 service channels including email, live chat, voice call and Facebook messenger.In the future, Banggood will continue to firmly stick to its corporate mission of "bringing China's high-quality products and supply chain to the world" and focus on the B2C cross-border export trade field. Set sail, and brave the wind and waves!






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近期,我司發現有不法人員通過設立手機APP(Banggood 棒谷商城)等形式,冒充我司開展刷單詐騙行為,導致不少受害者被騙,造成了不良的社會影響。為了維護公眾及我司的合法權益,我司已向公安機關報案,

新風徐來 | 棒谷科技推行“去總化”,員工花名創意出彩。


主站蜘蛛池模板: 乐平市| 修文县| 精河县| 花莲县| 漾濞| 新干县| 许昌县| 黑水县| 安福县| 滨州市| 永顺县| 巨野县| 布尔津县| 濉溪县| 西吉县| 沙洋县| 金山区| 博爱县| 南投县| 石首市| 泾川县| 柏乡县| 永平县| 东兴市| 定安县| 宜州市| 临泉县| 榆中县| 青神县| 金华市| 麻阳| 朝阳区| 长沙县| 南江县| 大足县| 报价| 延安市| 中方县| 山东| 太白县| 建水县|